
1st Rotation : Ward 6B (Puan Liyana)

Assalamualaikum, 3 weeks had gone by. I just ended my first rotation of clinical internship at ward 6B (Obstetrics & Gynaecology, and Surgical), Hospital Serdang. I think it was apparent how anxious I was when I first started this rotation. Rightfully so seeing that it was the beginning of our clinical year. What more, we were attached with one of the, I don't know how to best describe the rumors I've heard about Puan Liyana. How she's strict, garang, or so they said. I actually got to see it first hand when I went for a ward round during my second year. She told off one of our seniors when she failed to answer her question regarding ONS. So yeah, even without the rumors, it was engraved in my mind that she is someone I should fear :D On our very first day, we did not go to the wards/clinics like all the other groups, but we were the attendees of a talk by our clinical instructor at the main campus. Puan first asked us to prepare for a food label quiz at Makm...

Clinical Year : Orientation Week

Assalamualaikum, We got back to college earlier than usual. Bukannya tak pernah balik awal tapi kali ni memang balik kolej awal yang tak balik2 rumah haha.  Actually, for UPM's Bachelor Science of Dietetics, tak pernah ada orientation week pun untuk clinical rotation. This was the first time it was held. Aku rasa sebab batch kami, Dietista 11 ni first batch yang masuk dengan interview, kami dah banyak kali jadi lab rats which is not necessarily a bad thing. Maksudnya kamilah manusia2 pertama yang kena lalui semua ni dan tengok macam mana outcome nya nanti so that benda ni boleh apply kat juniors pula, mungkin dalam version yang dah improve. Aku tak kata batch2 sebelum ni tak bagus, tapi mungkin lecturers nak tengok sejauh mana program ni boleh ditambah baik. Nak hasilkan dietitians yang lebih kompeten dan berkaliber.  Anyway, the week started on a Monday, the 20th of August. The next day, half day je sebab nak bagi peluang sesiapa yang nak balik raya haji since es...

Bachelor Science Dietetics: 6th Sem Break

Assalamualaikum, Ya Allah, beratnya mata aku. Seriously balik kerja je mesti penat macam ni, lapar tak boleh bawa bincang. Eh, kerja? Internship, I mean. 2 months of it, for foodservice. Actually lagi 2 hari je nak habis ni. Cepat betul. Rasa macam baru berapa hari masuk sini.  I cannot deny how nervous I was hari first masuk tu tapi sekarang dah rapat dengan diorang semua. Memanglah aku happy sebab dah tak payah hadap traffic jammed hari2, 6 hari seminggu, tapi sedih pulak sebab lepas ni mungkin dah takkan jumpa pekerja2 dapur JSH tu.  To be perfectly honest, they are such nice people. Memanglah masing2 perangai macam2, kerenah pun haha kecoh satu dapur tu, tapi they treated us very nicely. Tak pernah buli ke apa ke. Ajar macam2. Berbual melalut-lalut. Semua pula tu. Dari kitchen helpers, foodservice assistants, cooks, clerk, catering officer, dietitians, dan terutamanya diet aide sebab aku banyak menyibuk kat office diorang. Sampaikan 2 hari lepas, when I chos...

FYP Presentations: Checked

Assalamualaikum, Sedar tak sedar, dah habis present result & poster fyp pun. Tak percaya nak dekat setahun aku hadap macam2 daripada perang dingin dengan fyp mate, sampai ke kena buli dengan orang atas (side note: bukan supervisor saya. SV saya baik hokayy).  Me being Hannysa, I was mad nervous before the final presentation. Cold hands, cold feet, you name it. Semuanya ada. Trembling masa pakai tudung pagi nak present tu. Ya Allah, teruk beno. Macam nak pergi hukuman gantung padahal nak present je.  I was the second presenter that day, actually, among the 32 of us. Sebab our schedule got messed up since Khamis Jumaat cuti sebab PRU hari tu. Patut present Jumaat, tapi terpaksa anjak ke hari Rabu. When I think about it, it was actually a blessing, giving me more time to prepare. I may have not be as prepared kalau buat as planned originally.  I could feel my voice trembling a bit. Nak aje baca laju2 sebab takut exceed 15 minit, tapi sebab the first pr...

Ending A Relationship

Assalamualaikum, So, I am back at home for Kak Long's engagement and also, PRU. I am eligible to vote for the first time ever tomorrow. My gals are currently discussing about the pros and cons of each party dalam Whatsapp haha. Don't worry, it's a very civilized discussion.We don't fight with each other over something as petty as opinion differences, especially not about this issue xD Of course, I am having inner turmoil jugak nak pilih siapa untuk diundi. Honestly, no one is perfect. So, ultimately, I just need to vote for those yang may be the better leader, which is not an easy choice sebab aku tak kenal sangat pun calon2 kat sini. The last person ever yang aku ingat as a public figure in Kulai is Ong Ka Ting. Tu tahun bila entah.  Sebenarnya kena ambil port jugak, sebab we're talking about masa depan negara, tapi I find politics to be very full of dishonesty and taktik kotor. So, I try my best not to corrupt my mind dengan any of these stuffs. Lol...

Bachelor Science Dietetics: MidSem Break the Sixth

Assalamualaikum, Sem 6. Nak habis dah pun. Lepas ni start LI. Tapi sebelum tu, serabut dulu dengan FYP. Sumpah. Setiap stage cabaran lain2. Sekarang dah kat stage nak analyse. Apa cabaran? 1. Dr nak suruh siapkan dalam seminggu je sebab nak hantar abstract pergi conference. 2. Nak kena analyse scoring instrument yang sangat baru in which tak banyak rujukan. So, I need to search for people yang reti guna. Problem is, memang ada student master yang tengah buat M-HEI & FFQ, tapi dia pun tak sure pasal banyak benda. We are both still learning this thing. 3. Partner FYP aku kat Vietnam sekarang. Mobiliti kat sana. Terkapai-kapai aku kat sini sorang-sorang nak fahamkan semua benda. I should get extra credit kot aihh. 4. I need to study for my midterm naik cuti ni. Also, ada presentation minggu lepas cuti. Awal cuti hari tu aku pergi Cameron Highlands. Pergi Jumaat, Sabtu dah balik. A short, sweet escape dengan my girls from PALAM. Ateng, Adaa & Izzah. Gila...

Bachelor Science Dietetics: 5th Sem Break

Assalamualaikum,  Semester 5 : DONE. I mean, I say this every time but it is hard to believe how fast time flies. Tengoklah aku kat mana sekarang. Dah habis semester 5 pun. 3 semester je lagi. Actually, 1 semester of learning. Lagi remaining 2 sem aku praktikal. See? I told you. It is crazy. Cuti sebulan ni aku banyak duduk kat kolej je. Data collection for my fyp. Walaupun sebenarnya takdelah hari-hari collect data.  I enrolled in a class that I have been wanting to enroll since forever. Dari second year kot aku nak join tapi tak menyempat sebab busy sangat time tu. I finally have the time. Fuhh, well wish me luck! Being alone does give me a perspective about myself. I reflected more. What I want versus what I need. What I should or should not do. How to be more mature and not act like I'm some kind of an angsty teenager. A LOT of perspective. Hey, find some time for yourself. You would be surprised of what you will find out.