FYP Presentations: Checked


Sedar tak sedar, dah habis present result & poster fyp pun. Tak percaya nak dekat setahun aku hadap macam2 daripada perang dingin dengan fyp mate, sampai ke kena buli dengan orang atas (side note: bukan supervisor saya. SV saya baik hokayy). 

Me being Hannysa, I was mad nervous before the final presentation. Cold hands, cold feet, you name it. Semuanya ada. Trembling masa pakai tudung pagi nak present tu. Ya Allah, teruk beno. Macam nak pergi hukuman gantung padahal nak present je. 

I was the second presenter that day, actually, among the 32 of us. Sebab our schedule got messed up since Khamis Jumaat cuti sebab PRU hari tu. Patut present Jumaat, tapi terpaksa anjak ke hari Rabu. When I think about it, it was actually a blessing, giving me more time to prepare. I may have not be as prepared kalau buat as planned originally. 

I could feel my voice trembling a bit. Nak aje baca laju2 sebab takut exceed 15 minit, tapi sebab the first presenter kena tegur sebab present laju sangat, I took my time to explain my slides. After that, 5 minutes of q & a. The thing is, if you know your study, you will not have any problems pun untuk jawab. You need to have justifications on how and why you did something. Assessors are there untuk tolong kau improve apa yang boleh improve untuk study kau tu. Diorang bukan nak hentam kau & sengaja nak kenakan kau. At the same time, diorang nak assess how well you know your own study. Nak tengok kau buat kerja ke tak sebenarnya. So, kalau dapat assessors yang teliti tu, lagi bagus sebenarnya. So that dia boleh point out benda yang mungkin kau tak perasan pun sebelum ni. 

I think I did well despite my nervousness. Dapat jawab semua soalan, clarify benda2 yang assessors tak faham at first, receiving comments. Bila one of the assessors said "Yup, that's true" sambil angguk2 kepala after I answered a question, ya Allah, that's the best feeling ever. Same thing happened masa present fyp proposal dulu. Before presenting, I asked my roommate to record the whole presentation. So, bila aku tengok balik recording tu, I did not look like a nervous wreck pun. Aku je yang overthought. 

Our SV was there masa aku present. Habis present, dr mintak jumpa kat bilik dia. We discussed about the comments given by the assessors. After the discussion, she said "You guys really put an effort on your outfit today. I appreciate that." Which was her way of saying we cleaned up nice haha. So, I replied, "Saya iron dua set baju hari ni, dr", which was true sebab baju first tu aku tak berkenan, so decided untuk tukar & iron laju2. "But your baju macam susah nak iron je" xD

At the end, she said, "You guys did a very good job today. Congrats." That was it. The magic words. Despite all the changes that we need to do for the thesis, those last words just made my heart flutter. 

Poster presentation pulak, I got an assessor yang assess paling lama. By that, I mean, patutnya 15 minit je untuk seorang student, tapi dr ni assess at least 40 minit seorang. I was assessed for 50 minutes (my friends told me because they were all waiting for us to finish). Paling lama though, sejam. Allahu. Sakit jugaklah pinggang aku nak tunggu assessor datang & bila dah datang, jawab soalan2 dr. 

Despite needing improvements on some parts, my poster assessment was great. Dr was obviously testing my knowledge on my own study, particularly regarding the data collection process, data analysis and discussion. I was satisfied when she nodded her head, acknowledging my answers to her deadly questions while filling in my marks. 

Alhamdulillah. All was well.


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