
Showing posts from February, 2018

Bachelor Science Dietetics: 5th Sem Break

Assalamualaikum,  Semester 5 : DONE. I mean, I say this every time but it is hard to believe how fast time flies. Tengoklah aku kat mana sekarang. Dah habis semester 5 pun. 3 semester je lagi. Actually, 1 semester of learning. Lagi remaining 2 sem aku praktikal. See? I told you. It is crazy. Cuti sebulan ni aku banyak duduk kat kolej je. Data collection for my fyp. Walaupun sebenarnya takdelah hari-hari collect data.  I enrolled in a class that I have been wanting to enroll since forever. Dari second year kot aku nak join tapi tak menyempat sebab busy sangat time tu. I finally have the time. Fuhh, well wish me luck! Being alone does give me a perspective about myself. I reflected more. What I want versus what I need. What I should or should not do. How to be more mature and not act like I'm some kind of an angsty teenager. A LOT of perspective. Hey, find some time for yourself. You would be surprised of what you will find out.