
Showing posts from January, 2022

Speaker Hanny

  Assalamualaikum, In an effort to procrastinate, here I am. Hahah. Tak berubah. Tak adalah procrastinate apa pun, but I have this huge interview tomorrow. For a program that I really hope to be in. So, kena prep some basic answers for that interview. It's going to be at night lagipun. I have PLENTY of time, kan? Not really. Tapi entah, I just think that insha Allah, I will be chosen. Sebab tu takde beriya-iya sangat nak prepare. Kalau ada rezeki, dapat. Aamiin. Oh lupa. This is my very first post for 2022. Happy new year to anyone who's reading. How has my 2022 been? Quite hectic. Won't lie. In a good way, though. On a lighter side, I managed to fit a lot of time doing my hobbies amidst the business I've been doing. Finished reading 3 books and  3 crochet projects  already. Yes, crochet. I legit started on the 1st of January. Actually dah lama beli the kit but then I didn't do it seriously last year. Got my momentum tahun ni.  Last Sunday, I gave my second talk. Co