Speaker Hanny


In an effort to procrastinate, here I am. Hahah. Tak berubah. Tak adalah procrastinate apa pun, but I have this huge interview tomorrow. For a program that I really hope to be in. So, kena prep some basic answers for that interview. It's going to be at night lagipun. I have PLENTY of time, kan? Not really. Tapi entah, I just think that insha Allah, I will be chosen. Sebab tu takde beriya-iya sangat nak prepare. Kalau ada rezeki, dapat. Aamiin.

Oh lupa. This is my very first post for 2022. Happy new year to anyone who's reading. How has my 2022 been? Quite hectic. Won't lie. In a good way, though. On a lighter side, I managed to fit a lot of time doing my hobbies amidst the business I've been doing. Finished reading 3 books and 3 crochet projects already. Yes, crochet. I legit started on the 1st of January. Actually dah lama beli the kit but then I didn't do it seriously last year. Got my momentum tahun ni. 

Last Sunday, I gave my second talk. Could you believe it? Hannysa jadi speaker, jadi one of those alumni yang inspire the students. Kali ni for a program under Foodnatic, kelab untuk semua student dietetik & PKK kat UPM. In my sophomore year, I was the Multimedia Exco for Foodnatic. At the same time aku pegang jawatan Exco Kebudayaan juga untuk Kelab PERKASA Johor, persatuan untuk anak-anak kelahiran Johor kat UPM. Tahun dua dulu memang busy buat macam2 program, but I enjoyed it. I regret NOTHING. Thank you, 20 year old Hannysa. For being daring enough to take those responsibilities. Those memories and skills I gained were priceless. Simply can't be bought.

As an exco for Foodnatic, I designed a new logo for that club. Because I thought the old logo was ugly. If you don't like it, change it, kan? Hahah. Dan sampai ke hari ni logo aku tu masih in use, untuk surat2 rasmi and even sijil yang aku dapat as a token of appreciation for being a speaker for the program. Can we say that this is a full circle moment? I mentioned this logo origin during the first talk, which was in November of last year. Yang itu program under Kolej 17. 

Basically, kat UPM ada 4 kategori merit yang kena kumpul; Universiti, Kelab/Persatuan, Kolej & Fakulti. Ada certain kuota kena kumpul every 2 semesters supaya dapat stay kat kolej. Foodnatic ni under 'Fakulti'. PERKASA Johor under 'Kelab/Persatuan'. Kolej 17 ni under 'Kolej'. So, kalau nak kata pasal 'reach', the program under Kolej 17 was bigger. I think there was almost 400 audience for the talk. To The Brighter Tomorrow 1.0 nama programnya. They invited a representative for each course yang ada kat Kolej 17; Dietetik, PKK, Envoch, Biomedic, Medic, Nursing & Vet. So imagine the vast number of alumni they could choose from, and they invited yours truly untuk represent Dietetik. I was so flattered and humble bila bayangkan ramai lagi senior/alumni yang lebih hebat kat luar sana. Dapat share the session with my batchmate, who represented PKK. Although I was quite nervous, I think it was a great session. Talked about the course, job opportunities, etc.

Okay, sambung pasal the recent program, the one for Foodnatic. Foodnatic Fair Day - Career Talk. There was almost 100 audience in that Zoom call. I was somehow more nervous because I shared the session with a PKK senior who graduated in 2003. I'm from the class of 2019. Baru jee grad. Again, I felt humble. But, she was cool je hahah. So, my nerves dissipated. It felt great, to be able to share about my short but colourful journey so far. One of the messages I left for my juniors was to be involved with activities out of lecture halls. Because that is how I think I learnt so much, about what I can do if I put the right kind of mindset and even greater level of hard work.  Itu yang aku bawa sampai ke hari ni.

Jadi exco Foodnatic dulu, tak cukup dengan ubah logo yang kelab tu guna sejak first established, aku juga yang buat official Instagram account, design official Foodnatic shirt yang semua orang kena beli, came up with the idea to name our annual dinner yang sebelum tu nama dia Foodnatic Dinner je hahah. After voting among the whole batch when we had to organize the dinner, we went with Malam Citra Foodnatic (MATRAF). Gosh, function tak function akak kau dulu? *flips hair xD 

Dah lah at the same time kena organize macam2 event untuk PERKASA Johor juga. PERKASA Johor was one of the most active persatuan anak negeri kat UPM tu, tahu dak? Meeting semua buat kat Main Campus, which is quite a drive away from Kolej 17 yang kat sebelah Hospital Serdang ni, if you have a car. If you don't, enjoy waiting for bas UPM. Thankfully, I had with me my trusted Gikwang (name of my car). So, I was one of two designated drivers untuk exco2 PERKASA Johor from K17. We had this huge Annual Intervarsity Sport event called Karnival Sukan Anak Johor (KSAJ) in which we invited students from universities all over Malaysia to compete in various sports and UPM was the host that year. What are the odds. The same year I was one of the exco lol. Between finding places for them to stay, booking venues, sport equipment, ordering & providing food and drinks, managing/judging the competitions, finding sponsors and preparing prizes, fuhhh, it was MASSIVE amount of work. But, I loved it. Masa buat tu memanglah complain penat tapi it was all worth it. Puas. Lagi2 dapat kerja dengan team yang sporting macam tu. Oh, I miss it all.

So, yeah. Organizing all kinds of events and being involved in so many programs as a student shaped me into who I am today. Who am I? A freaking rock star. 

Cukup procrastinate untuk hari ni?

Semoga Hannysa diterima masuk program itu & semoga program itu membawa manfaat yang bertambah-tambah untuk Hannysa & orang sekeliling dia aamiin. 


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