Ending A Relationship


So, I am back at home for Kak Long's engagement and also, PRU. I am eligible to vote for the first time ever tomorrow. My gals are currently discussing about the pros and cons of each party dalam Whatsapp haha. Don't worry, it's a very civilized discussion.We don't fight with each other over something as petty as opinion differences, especially not about this issue xD

Of course, I am having inner turmoil jugak nak pilih siapa untuk diundi. Honestly, no one is perfect. So, ultimately, I just need to vote for those yang may be the better leader, which is not an easy choice sebab aku tak kenal sangat pun calon2 kat sini. The last person ever yang aku ingat as a public figure in Kulai is Ong Ka Ting. Tu tahun bila entah. 

Sebenarnya kena ambil port jugak, sebab we're talking about masa depan negara, tapi I find politics to be very full of dishonesty and taktik kotor. So, I try my best not to corrupt my mind dengan any of these stuffs. Lol. 

Anyhow, siapapun yang menang and end up jadi kerajaan nanti memang akan buat silap. We cannot expect for the most perfect government. Yang penting esok aku jalankan tanggungjawab aku. Settle.

Oh yeah, I am going to end my journey with FYP soon. Hoping that it would be a happy ending for us. Insha Allah. Jumaat ni, which is 2 days away, aku akan present result FYP aku. Next week present scientific poster. Sebab tu lah sekarang ni aku buat tiga benda dalam satu masa. Siapkan slides, poster dan thesis simultaneously. Basically semua tu tinggal finishing touches and few editing je. Alhamdulillah. Tapi tak masuk lagi assignments yang semua doktor mintak submit akhir2 sem ni haha. Sekali lagi, kepala kat bawah kaki kat atas. 

Let's end this with a bang.



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