IPD 2 Assessment Week
Assalamualaikum, Last week was the third out of our four hell's week. Pardon the language, I thought the term is necessary xD Tapi, this one was actually a great week. Okay. So, Isnin pagi tu ada bengkel NFPE in which we learned more and practiced NFPE. Then, sambung dengan briefing untuk community. Petang tu dah start case presentation for 5 people and semua orang tengok depa present kat Makmal Diet. I was finalizing my slides and log book. Habis je, terus pergi flat ikan dengan Jaz, Peah, Mona, Meli nak fotostat log book & print slides. My case presentation was the next morning. I was the third presenter kat Makmal Penilaian Pemakanan tu. Gabra jugaklah tapi sebab kes aku tu pun baru lagi, so I was not too nervous. Presenting was fine, despite takut tak sempat masa. My assessors were Dr Bai, Dr Z & Encik Asri. I presented once the last Tuesday kat Kajang depan semua dietitian. At the time it was about refeeding syndrome and the patient was still in the ward. T...