3rd, 4th & 5th Rotation (OPD) : Hospital Serdang, Kajang, Putrajaya (Miss Alin & Encik Asri)


So, sebenarnya aku tengah cuti seminggu, which is the only break we're getting for the whole 2 semesters of our clinical year. Sounds tough kan? Because it is. I mean, of course we have weekends to ourselves tapi cuti panjang yang macam ni is very hard to come by. Sejak kitorang first year lagi lecturers dah warning pasal benda ni and we thought we've prepared ourselves, but we actually didn't haha. Typical Malaysians, suka cuti.

Alright, since aku tak banyak masa nak update setiap kali habis rotation OPD, so kita satukan dalam satu post ni je lah iye. 3 rotations of OPD sums up to 9 weeks in total. The 3rd & 4th rotation group aku under supervision Miss Alin. 5th rotation dengan Encik Asri lagi. 

3rd Rotation - Hospital Serdang (Klinik Paeds, Klinik Diet, Klinik Nefro, Klinik MOPD)

Like I wrote in the previous post, it was nerve-wrecking on the first day of OPD. Gigihlah group aku duk isi borang target goals yang kena isi sebelum setiap rotation tu sebab ingatkan Miss Alin macam Encik Asri. He went through semua target goal kitorang kat library hospital sebelum start apa2 dulu. Tetibe yang ni, Miss Alin text suruh kumpul kat Klinik Paeds. Dah ada patient tunggu & dia suruh clerk kat sistem. Gelabah Zul time tu sebab miss sebut nama dia haha. We were wondering whether miss tahu ke tak ni first OPD rotation kitorang. Am was so determined to tell miss about that so when he did, miss kata she's aware of that, but what's the problem? We were in our 3rd rotation, surely we could manage? And we gasped together xD

Nampak kitorang macam tu, miss pun takeover lah kes Zul. Dia kata nak bagi demo kat kitorang. The next case, Jaz amik. Cerebral Palsy. The third one, mine. Down Syndrome. Aku ingat lagi adik tu. Memang berat dia tak cukup. FTT. Tapi she was so cheerful, tak nakal, so menyenangkan kerja aku yang tengah gelabah dapat first OPD patient time tu. Lawak tak hari first masuk klinik kat Serdang group kitorang dah dapat patient CP & Down Syndrome sebab bila tanya group lain yang dah pernah rotation kat situ, diorang kata diorang tak pernah dapat pun rare cases like us. 

Kat Serdang ni klinik yang kitorang kena jaga ikut hari;
ISNIN- Pagi Klinik Paeds, Petang Klinik Diet
SELASA- Pagi Klinik Diet FPSK
RABU- Pagi Klinik Nefro
JUMAAT- Pagi Klinik Diet

Paeds memang biasanya lebih 5 patient and cases definitely regarding FTT atau childhood obesity, Klinik Diet petang tak ramai, ada lah dalam 1-2 orang and cases varies kat sini, boleh jumpa renal, weight management, dm, everything. Klinik Diet FPSK manjang takde client tapi kalau ada pun, probably weight management. Klinik Nefro pun wajib ramai. At least 5. MOPD pun sama and cases sini varies jugak (I got a COPD patient once, I was scarred for life because of how poorly I handled the case), kadang2 sampai kena buat assessment kat luar sebab patient ramai at one time. Klinik Diet Jumaat pun ramai biasanya. Since ni our first rotation for OPD, most of us baru nak adapt & differentiate dengan IPD punya rotation. Beza OPD compare to IPD, definitely more on your communication rather than analysing skill. Edu tool is of utmost importance. Your knowledge? Definitely essential. Pasal disease pathophysiologies, new research, guidelines,comparative standards, creativity. Semuanya. 

Sini guna sistem komputer, so clerking could take a while. On the plus side, you can know detailed medical history of your patients. To be honest, the discipline that I ended up liking the most during this rotation is nephro. Yup. 

Basically, masalah utama aku kat rotation ni ialah suhu. Aku ni jenis orang yang cepat sejuk. Air cond kat sini tak chill lah sejuk dia. Boleh beku. Lagi2 kat Klinik Diet & MOPD. Allah. One more thing, I was very busy following up my IPD patient for my case studies that I was left out of some clinics. Lagipun Miss Alin banyak takde time rotation ni. So I did not improve well kat rotation ni.

4th Rotation - Hospital Kajang (Klinik Diet)

The only things we knew about Kajang was that kat sini takde sistem dalam komputer, semuanya manually recorded and the most common cases are FTT. Both, we found to be true. Tapi of course ada kes2 lain jugak. I honestly love Kajang the most out of all three hospitals for our OPD rotations. Kenapa?

1. Sini tak ramai sangat patient. So, we had ample amount of time for discussions dalam bilik kaunseling tu dengan Miss Alin sementara tak ada patient. Based on cases yang kitorang dapat. Most of the discussions really made us think of so many possible interventions, new knowledge jangan cakaplah, banyak sangat. We also did our calculation exercises. Miss Alin was always very attentive and patient layan kitorang yang kadang2 blur, kadang2 ngantuk ni haha. During our mock bedside, how Miss Alin puji kitorang punya improvement, I actually did agree on what she said because honestly, Kajang made me a better dietitian in terms of giving counselling and the best interventions. I improved a lot.

2. Setiap kali ada patient, two of us will have the opportunity to observe the one who handles the case. Ada 2 kerusi kat belah belakang bilik tu tempat kitorang duduk observe. So, banyak benda sebenarnya boleh belajar. What not to do especially. At least boleh bagitau apa orang tu boleh improve untuk better consultation. Then, yang dah tengok boleh duduk luar pulak, bagi orang lain pulak tengok untuk kes seterusnya. Meaning, ada masa untuk rehat2 kejap sebelum fokus balik untuk tengok kes lain lepas2 tu. 

3. Sini tak sejuk. Seriously this may seem funny tapi a conducive environment is very important to me. Sebab aku tak boleh deal dalam suhu peti ais. Otak aku pun jadi beku.

4. The food here is wonderful. Murah kalau pandai pilih cashier, & sedap.

Cons kat sini, kena bangun awal sebab bas dari kolej gerak pukul 6.30 pagi ye. Rotation ni buat aku suka paeds. Haha ironik sebab to me, renal & paeds adalah 2 of the toughest disciplines. Oh yeah, I got to meet Kak Hani, my high school senior, now a UIA final year dietetics student, sebab dia intern IPD time tu haha what a coincidence. 

5th Rotation - Hospital Putrajaya (Klinik Diet)

I was actually dreading it before I went here. Banyak dengar rumours from all the other groups. Sini pun pakai sistem komputer macam kat Serdang. Mostly DM, HTN & weight management. Kat sini, kitorang kena amik sesi pagi je. Tapi patient kat sini sangat ramai. 6 tu minimum lah setiap hari. Yang mencabarnya bila ramai datang at one time sampai kena assess kat luar 2-3 patient sebab dalam klinik dah ada patient. Kadang2 tu tak sempat clerk pun. Kejar masa. Dah settle, kena key in notes kat bilik IT yang sebenarnya agak jauh dari klinik diet. Turun satu tingkat. 

What more, kat sini paling sejuk antara 3 hospital. Bilik IT, luar library & luar klinik diet. Ya Allah. Peti ais pun kalah. Alhamdulillah aku tak pernah sakit walaupun selalu dah di ambang demam sebab sejuk sangat. Yang tak sejuk, kat dalam Klinik Diet, & dalam library je. 

Aku tak rasa aku progress kat sini. Sebab semuanya kekangan masa. Terkejar-kejar sampai tak dapat nak buat full NCP. Ada that one time, sebab selalu sangat kejar masa, waktu yang aku tak sepatutnya kejar masa, aku rush sampai tertinggal banyak info masa clerk sistem. Sumpah, this is not the way I want to do my counselling. Imagine kau dah assess macam2 tapi intervention kau satu je. Benda kecik. Aku tak rasa puas dengan interventions yang aku bagi kat sini. Tak macam kat Kajang. Tapi, aku suka sebab dapat tengok sendiri intervention dietitian kat sini, especially regarding T1DM yang even CI pun tak confident nak buat.

So, there you go. My OPD rotations. Banyak benda sebenarnya yang aku dapat time OPD ni. Sangat banyak. So dah habis IPD 1 & OPD, aku suka yang mana? I prefer OPD. Entah, sebab aku dapat polish lebih in terms of bercakap dengan macam2 orang kot. 

1st semester of the clinical year is done. 
Rasa kejap je.
Lepas ni IPD 2 aku mungkin kat Serdang sahaja atau rotate Serdang & Kajang. 
Personally I want kat Serdang je 10 minggu. Haha. I have my reasons.


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