
Bachelor Science Dietetics: 1st Sem Break

Assalamualaikum, Sooo, thing's been going rather slowly after that camp. I am surely glad I made the decision to join because at least I know I'd spent part of my sem break doing stuffs I am definitely proud of. I also gained lots. So yeah. My best decision I've ever made as undergraduate so far. Nenek's not well. I hate that she's not as active and healthy as before. Of course she was not perfectly healthy but she was very much alive back before she had that 'fall'. Hm. Now, she's aching everywhere.  Today Ibu sent her for a massage and left me to cook for those young'uns before they get to school. I don't mind because I am always searching for the chance to cook before sem 2 starts in which I'll be cooking based on what I was told. Just now I had my dinner with nenek. I was eating like usual when suddenly nenek took the dish that I cooked and ate it. Em, wow. I felt goosebumps all over me. Usually I'm the o...

Bachelor Science Dietetics: Study Week 01

Assalamualaikum, I'm currently in my study week. How different it is with when I was in PALAM. How so you may ask? Hm, I don't remember having so much time on my hand to NOT think about studying and procrastinate. I never did that there. Maybe the fact that our study week was non-existent at that time could be the reason why. Hah. I think it was because of the flood that hit the country at the time. We extended our midsem break and there goes our one week of studying period. It's quite hard to believe that a semester is almost over. How fast does this Earth rotates, seriously? Time is going past so fast, I might stop blinking to savour every second of it but of course that's impossible, aite? The year is also almost over. Just a few days more.  Even so, I think a lot of stuffs happened in just one semester. I mean it. A LOT. Need not to tell in details about those, yeah? (No one really cares, Hannysa. Just so you know). Uh, I'm looking fo...

Bachelor Science Dietetics: Midsem Break the First

Assalamualaikum, It's been quite a while. I'm officially, for more than 2 months now, a degree student. Freedom is something that's hard to look out for. To make yourself in control and not go overboard. Pray that I can keep being the me that I always am but at the same time giving space for a better me to surface. It isn't easy. Degree life is definitely different from Asasi life, I can assure you that. I don't know if it's the place but UPM taught me, in the small amount of time that I'm there, I am worth every people's time and effort and they are too. How important each and every one of us are, that no one is worthless. In K17, we are like a big family. It reminds me of high school, where I recognise everyone especially those in my batch. That's how we are here. I feel like if I were to be in the 'asrama' during school days, this would be how I lived. Surrounded by people with varying personalities and me exposing my...

Good Words Can Make Someone's Day

Assalamualaikum, Although I've been using Blogger for almost 2 years now, I don't actually know how it works. At least not completely. I mean, I can do things but there are some tasks that I have no idea how to do. For example, getting a notification when someone leave a comment on any of my blog post. So, how do I know when a person commented? I don't. Haha. Unless I notice something strange about the total number of comments. Usually that happens when suddenly my sense is perfectly senseful. Basically that happened last night. I accidentally looked at the total number  of comments and felt curious. So, I checked and found this comment; I know I shouldn't be too worked up over a random comment from an anonymous but I actually felt delighted reading it. You may ask me why? Well, in the negativity-filled internet where people hide behind their computer screens and send hate to other people, I am quite surprised there are still this kind of people. ...

Distorted Mind (Pre First Degree)

Assalamualaikum, I'm counting the days. I so am.  I bought everything.  The forms are in the process of being filled. Semua nak tanya macam macam kat group tu. Pasal kolej, pasal outfit untuk minggu orientasi (Minggu Perkasa Putra), pasal permohonan ptptn.  Aku cuma nak some of my questions to be answered. Soalan yang betul betul aku nak tahu jawapannya. Tak nak tahu detail sangat sebenarnya. Sebab aku rasa aku ni memang jenis suka surprise. Nak experience semuanya first hand for the first time. Hm. Excited tapi at the same time, takut. Mulalah otak ni create macam macam complex.  'Roommate aku camne ek nanti?'  'Senior senior okay tak?'  'Bilik pulak best ke?'  'Emm, macam kat palam ke?' Palam tu kolej yang agak baru. It raised the bar for me. Sebab dah tentulah aku akan bandingkan any universities with the first university I've ever lived in and studied at.  But, you're going to learn. Kat mana...

Perfectly You

Assalamualaikum, I have so many drafts. Too many gibberish to have the honour to be published, maybe.  I'm just taking my mind out of thinking about THAT thing happening in less than two days. I guess writing really does helps psychologically. Taking mind off of things we'd rather not think about.  Yesterday's open house was hectic. It was the very first for my family. Ibu never agreed when Kak Long brought up the topic about throwing an open house for hari raya simply because she said it would be exhausting. My oh my, she can't be more right about that.  The cleaning up after all the guests leave was the most challenging part and I actually detest cleaning the most out of all house chores. How convenient. I woke up this morning feeling like I had been ran over by a car or something xD But then, I think that's the only 'bad' thing about it. I mean, the good things more than overshadowed the former. I did learn some Dos and...

Beautiful but Scary (A Book Review: Gravity by Tess Gerritsen)

Assalamualaikum, I just finished reading a book entitled 'Gravity'. It's a fictional novel about spaceships and astronauts. Hm. Who would've thought I have a thing for that. Well, I don't. As a matter of fact, I actually bought that book because it's dirt cheap at a book fair and from its summary I found out its heroine's name is Emma Watson. I mean, nothing else could top those reasons, right? ;) At first, the pace is kind of slow, I almost stopped reading because there are too many complex scientific terms and abbreviations that I didn't bother to check their definitions at the given glossary at the back of the book. Oh, and if you're like me, had a basic knowledge of pure science, then there are many instances where you would just stop and realize, "Woah, I know that. I've learned about it"  When you continue reading, it will start getting interesting.  Maybe it wasn't written by a Muslim but I could learn a thing ...