Bachelor Science Dietetics: Midsem Break the First


It's been quite a while. I'm officially, for more than 2 months now, a degree student. Freedom is something that's hard to look out for. To make yourself in control and not go overboard. Pray that I can keep being the me that I always am but at the same time giving space for a better me to surface. It isn't easy.

Degree life is definitely different from Asasi life, I can assure you that. I don't know if it's the place but UPM taught me, in the small amount of time that I'm there, I am worth every people's time and effort and they are too. How important each and every one of us are, that no one is worthless.

In K17, we are like a big family. It reminds me of high school, where I recognise everyone especially those in my batch. That's how we are here. I feel like if I were to be in the 'asrama' during school days, this would be how I lived. Surrounded by people with varying personalities and me exposing my true self for them to get to know better. So that we could bond more.

I can't lie, I'm happy but at the same time I try not to be too happy. No one knows what's going to happen in the coming days. One thing for sure, a good amount of good and bad things will definitely occur and I would be patiently going through each and every single one of them. Glad that I could experience the life like a normal human should.

For every step of the way, hold on to yourself, be who you want to be but never forgets that you are always at your best when you are you, not anyone else. Here's to another 4 years of life as a pregraduate student. May every odds will forever be in your favor but if they aren't, lessons would be learnt, and that, girl, is what you call experience. Live your life. Do better every day. Baby, you can do it.


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