
The First Walk Alone

Assalamualaikum, For once I refuse to write an intro telling how I've been because maybe I just realized that no one care. So, to stick to what was supposed to be the main purpose of this 'thing', I might as well just rant about things that I think is worthy enough. On the 27th, I was quote "invited" to an interview for a degree program at a local RU. This was my second one. The first was on the 23rd May. Before this, I've only experienced an interview once, that was for a foundation program that I didn't manage to excel but that's totally a different story because it was held just a stone's throw away from my house. Different from the 23rd  May interview where I stayed at a hotel near the venue with my family, the 27th May interview was such a challenging if not one of the most independent experience I've ever been through. Because it was held on a school day, my family couldn't tag along. The interview is at noon

Asasi UiTM Puncak Alam (Jun 2014-April 2015)

Assalamualaikum, Berdirinya aku di sini, sebagai seorang bekas palamian, nak cakap pasal tempat aku belajar untuk 10 bulan tu. UiTM Puncak Alam atau lebih familiar dengan nama PALAM. Bukan palam socket tu ya adik-adik. Puncak Alam. Hence, PALAM.  SPM LEAVERS: "WHERE DO I GO FROM HERE?" Honestly, lepas habis SPM , aku buntu tak tahu nak sambung belajar kat mana. Mana lagi aku nak rujuk kalau bukan dekat internet kan? Aku rasa tak ramai yang terdedah dengan pilihan sambung belajar ni sebab kat sekolah dulu kita cuma tahu belajar je. Skema je. Buat homework je. Baca buku je. Ceh, ye ke? So, apa aku nak cakap kat sini, kita tak didedahkan sangat dengan benda ni. Ni lah nak tolong sikit. Setakat apa yang aku tahu. Basically, ada 4 pilihan. 1) Asasi 2) Matriks 3) Form 6 4) Diploma Result SPM pun dah dapat kan? Naturally, orang akan kata kalau someone tu dapat result level cemerlang, suruh dia masuk asasi tak pun matriks. Tapi, boleh je kalau nak sambung fo

This Is For You

Assalamualaikum, Remember that time when we didn't know each other? When we had no idea who were we facing, What were in store, Where was it heading, Which were going to stay. You and me, We have the same dream, Might not be completely the same but a dream nevertheless, We wanted to be big, We wanted to make it there, We wanted to make history, For ourselves, For the country maybe. You're from Terengganu, I'm from Johor, She's orang Nogori, he's from Selangor, Differences were what made us close. Remember teasing each other about our roots and no one took it to the heart?  Remember getting on each others nerves just to prove our points right? Remember singing continuously like mockingjays when one of us start? How I miss those moments. I miss that chatterbox Ada. I miss that almost all the time clueless Izzah. I miss that no filter Atiqah. I miss that tease but I know she loves me Ateng. I miss that quiet genius Aina. I miss that wond

Hidup Baru

Assalamualaikum, Everything seems so new to me. Tempat baru. Kawan-kawan baru. Classmates baru. Pendidik dan pengajar baru. Pengalaman baru. Itu baru.  Ini baru.  Banyak sangat yang baru.  Aku pun tak tahu nak cerita macam mana. Buat masa ni terlalu busy. Budak asasi.  Insyaallah kalau ada masa nanti aku singgah sini lagi. Currently duduk seorang diri kat Ruang Belajar KKPR, UiTM Puncak Alam. One thing I know, I'm loving it here. Till then. 

You're as Judgemental as I Am (A Book Review: Anthem by Hlovate)

Assalamualaikum, Just finished reading Anthem by Hlovate. It took me 3 days of reading. Betul lah. Kalau dah hantu novel, novel lapan ratus pages pun boleh khatam sekali baca. Tapi 3 hari tu pun dah kira lama for a 593 pages novel. Tahu. Aku baca macam aku makan. Slow. (ceh, ye kan aje :P) One of the many topics yang Hlovate kupaskan, pasal manusia dan sikap suka menghakimi. Aku rasa itu topik utama novel ni. Memang. Mana ada manusia kat dunia ni yang tak pernah judge orang even dia tu alim ke, manusia tetap manusia, bukannya sempurna, cuma level hampir kesempurnaan tu je yang varies. Ikut fields juga. Agama, keimanan pada Tuhan, personaliti, rupa, etc. Cuba ingat balik, pernah tak nampak orang yang pakaiannya ala goth, dengan kukunya warna hitam, celak habis keliling mata, rambut warna biru ungu semua ada, tindik telinga beribu riban, dalam hati dah terdetik, "Eish, stok2 budak jalanan kurang kasih sayang dia tu." "Nampak sangat tak reti solat.&quo