Take a chance


Okay. This one's short. I promise.

Betul lah. The first step is always the hardest. I think everything is falling into place. Alhamdulillah. Baby steps is the approach here. Satu satu.

Last weekend, something small but significant happened. Let's just say I sacrificed something with an open heart and guess what, I gained the exact same thing I sacrificed right after. The moment I realized it, I just gasped and laughed, and then said alhamdulillah.

These kind of stuffs just further made me wonder how are there still people who do not believe in the higher power. Subhanallah. 

That being said, Hannysa pun masih perlu terus usaha dekatkan diri dengan Pencipta, ya. 

Passion. Purpose. Progress. 

Yes. In progress.

Slow slow. Pelan pelan. Satu satu.



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