What the New Year Would Bring

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I hope it's not too late to say happy new year. It's already 2017. If Allah wills it, I'll be turning 21 this year. That means I'm obligated to vote for the next PRU. Fuh. Totally not looking forward to that. I hope now that we (us 90s kids) are allowed to vote for our nation's leaders, Malaysia can finally be saved. From what you may assume? Corrupted governments or basically those who are not FTR, fit to rule. Look, maybe I should stop talking politics.

Let's have a review on 2016. Yep, I'll refrain from talking about all those 'worldly' events. Just going to talk 'bout me. Promise. Hee.

After exploring on many aspects of life (ceh), I learnt that I'm a flexible person. It's a great trait to have but I also got to identify my weaknesses on which I hope, no, I will improve on. My level of maturity is telling me to start doing this and stop doing that but my inner childishness is telling me to just enjoy everything while they last. Personally, I care for both. You can still be mature and childish at the same time. Do what would make you happy and care not of what people might say. Be a Luna Lovegood. Weird but happy because she don't give any care about people's opinions on her life. 

2017's resolutions? I am a freaking awesome human being. Need to start believing that. I want to fly high even without having wings. Make use of the time that I have to make lifelong memories. 

May 2017 be the year that you finally accept how wonderful you are and that you are deserving of everything that you have and will have. 

Freaking miss you damn it.


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