
Pulau Redang Birthday Getaway

Assalamualaikum, I am currently enjoying my semester break. About 1 month left until I need to start my third year of Bachelor's degree. Is trying to savor the moments despacito. Hahah, okay I'll stop.  One day, after finishing the last paper for 3rd semester's finals, me and 7 of my friends had a lunch at a cafeteria in UPM. While eating, we talked and suddenly one of us had an idea, we should go on a holiday together. So, we sort of discussed about where to go on that holiday, when, who is in charge etc. When we finished our lunches, we had established a mini organisation consisting of a President, an Asst. President, two Treasurers, Transportation Committee, and Accommodation Committee. That was the start of this trip planning. After much Google-ing and reviewing, we decided to go to Pulau Redang. So, those who were responsible for the booking of hotels and flight tickets did their work all through the semester. Our fourth semester could not pass by any slow

Second Year Dietetics : Subject Summary

Assalamualaikum, I recently finished my sophomore year as an undergraduate student for Bachelor Science of Dietetics in UPM. By finished, I mean I got through my finals and even though the results are not out yet, it is safe to assume I made it, or rather, survived. Haha. Since I wrote a post about the first year subjects, it is only fair to write one for my second year too. Besides, I have got comments asking me about the course or really, how to get accepted into the course on that post. I think this can give an insight as to what we actually learned throughout the 2 semesters (2016/2017) to any souls out there who are looking to get enrolled, or maybe any of my juniors who are interested in knowing what we, your seniors had been through ;) First Semester PKK 3202 or Nutrition and Metabolism.  This one was a continuation of SBP 3201 Basic Medical Biochemistry which we learned when we were freshies. The difference is that this subject looked into more detailed des

Bachelor Science Dietetics: Study Week 04

Assalamualaikum,  So, if the title is 'Study Week', you should know that I am attempting to procrastinate studying. Hence, I am writing this. Like study week 2, my first day of study week 4 was the first day of Ramadhan. Tell you what, it's the 6th night of Ramadhan and I have not set foot at any bazar ramadhan yet. Perk of fasting at home. Home-cooked food, also, no money spent, which is always a good thing. I am not sure why but, this time round, it is sooo hard to study. I mean, I feel like doing every other thing EXCEPT studying. Of course, I have felt like this before, but this time, it is amplified. There are so many topics to cover. I have not yet touched 3 out of 7 subjects, and the subjects that I have 'touched', I have not necessarily finished. To top it off, I only have about 3 days of study week, so yeah. When the finals is over, I would let out a very long breath. Finally, this torturous semester would be over. However, I ne

Bachelor Science Dietetics: Midsem Break The Fourth

Assalamualaikum, I have just noticed that I did not write 'Midsem Break the Third'. Oh well. I was probably too busy to even have a break at that time, or I just did not remember to update. Anyhow, it is now my fourth mid-semester break. I must tell that the fourth semester is by far the most crazy semester and it is not actually over yet. Only the first half did. I have another 7 weeks of it to go through. I do not know whether it was because I chose to be involved in so many activities at once or was the semester meant to be this hard.  Our seniors did tell us that the 4th and the 5th semester were the busiest semester ever. So, yeah, I will be as busy if not busier for the next one too. It seemed like the lecturers would not stop giving us assignments to finish. Presentations after presentations, reports after reports. It was a miracle I succeeded in submitting them all before the due dates. KSAJ took away three days of my break and I only ha

Bachelor Science Dietetics: 3rd Sem Break

Assalamualaikum, The break is almost over. I will be starting my 4th semester in about a week. Funnily enough, I have not finish all my business this sem break and I am anticipating a very busy semester. Of course, my study is one thing. There will be heaps of assignments and such but the things that will make me massively busy are actually outside of the classroom activities. Even before entering the new semester, I am now booked for 5 events. One of them is an event that involves a large scale of participants from the universities all over Malaysia, two dinner events, an entirely new area I am trying out and one event that I do not actually care for much but needs to since I am one of the board members.  I will be an assistant director, the head of protocol, registration committee member, equipment committee member and a secret role for that new area of interest.  Apart from that, I will be taking part in SUKOL, womens' futsal team of K17. I wil

The Sims

Assalamualaikum, The world is very confusing. How could a publicly-hated-on-a-massive-scale person be elected as president? A racist mysogynist white supremacist with bad hair too. *Sighing for the millionth time*  . . . My lil sister is playing The Sims. I am kind of stressed watching the way she plays it. Eventhough the family had low funds, she bought the most expensive television set, relatively expensive showers, sofas and even an aquarium. Now, she's buying the most expensive windows, lots of them, actually xD I've always love this game and have played it more times than I can remember. In fact, it's my favourite game ever. It started from the first pc version, which I was so obsessed with and wish I can still play it on this laptop but it's too oldschool for today's technology, I suppose. Then, I played The Sims 2, The Sims Pets and The Sims Castaway on Playstation 2. Was sooo obsessed with them too. It's like playing with dol