Positive Covid


Pretty effin weird. That's what that was. Hantar makanan, letak depan pintu. Ketuk pintu and said "Makanan kat depan pintu". Lepas tu lari pergi tempat lain. Hahah. Macam hantar makanan kat prisoner. Ada Joe Goldberg vibe jugak kat situ. Eh.  

After more than 2 years, unfortunately, this deadly virus berjaya menembusi our household. Izzat got it. Thursday, 24th Feb 2022. Tested positive after RTK self test. Me with my 'psychic power' dah rasa tak sedap hati when I heard Izzat terbatuk-batuk outside of my room. "Hm, lain maciam pula batuk dia ni." Tak sampai 5 minit lepas tu, ayah buka pintu and simply said, "Izzat positif". 

Gelabah tak gelabah. First time kot. Fisha start sembur sanitizer satu rumah. Izzat terus kena kuarantin kat bilik bawah. Semua orang self test. Everyone else was negative. It's easy to deduct that Izzat got it from one of his friends during one of his many badminton matches. To confirm, he did PCR on the third day. Yes, positive. Demam teruk, tak dapat bangun. 

To be honest, dalam kegelabahan tu (is that even a word?), ada ketenangan bila fikir semua dah vaccinated. Only half of us haven't got boosters. Literally tak faham anti vax. Oh well, we'll let natural selection do its thang, eh? :P

A few days later, ibu rasa gatal tekak, did self test & turned out positive. By this time, Izzat was feeling better since Ibu tended to his every need. Silap ibu selalu keluar masuk bilik kuarantin. Yelah, anak sakit sampai tak boleh bangun. Siapa yang tak risau. Despite wearing face mask & sanitizing herself up and down every single time, the PCR test for Izzat revealed his CT Value to be less than 30 which means its highly contagious.  Now, ibu pula kena kuarantin. The symptoms were thankfully light. No fever. Mungkin sebab ibu dah booster, Izzat belum. 

Here's an article about CT Value

Ayah pula acted like he's immune to the thing. Fisha & I were hysterical, asking him to wear a mask & stop keluar masuk bilik when ibu dah confirm2 positif. He had to sleep in another empty room. Everyone did another test, and turned out negative including ayah. Maybe he's really immune, huh? Hahah sabar jelah aku. In case anyone ever wonder kenapa Hannysa degil or determined or whatever? Sebab ikut ayah, no doubt. Mana tumpahnya kuah, kalau tak ke nasi xD

Cakap pasal nasi, just as ibu started her quarantine, I took over, became the unanimous head chef, or cook. Merangkap tukang hantar makanan ke pintu2 bilik kuarantin. I handle lunch & dinner. Ayah handles breakfast. Fisha handles sanitizing like a champ. Man, on the other hand, is not much of a champ with his laundry duty. Renyah kena basuh baju asing2. Dirty laundry of the quarantines (eh macam nama band pulak), we soak in disinfectant & hot water for 2 hours before washing them on 'Sanitary' mode in the washing machine.

Like I said, pretty effin weird. But let's be real, it has been this way since the virus was first on the news. The pandemic, now endemic. Who would have thought we'd live to see something of this scale, let alone be at risk of being one of the statistics. No one is safe. Especially recently. Senang betul berjangkit. Scroll IG tu manjang tengok orang yang aku kenal, or their families positive Covid.

Izzat tested negative on his day 7, so hari ni dah finally dapat keluar bilik. He sanitized that room, the bathroom he used & Fisha said to give him all the tasks now that he's up and running hahah. So I said, "Okay, pergi masak nasi 7 cup, goreng tempe dalam air fryer. Lepas aku settle buat finances ni aku turun masak". Alhamdulillah. Tinggal tunggu ibu je negatif ni. Hopefully yang lain kekal negatif. 

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الذي لَا يَضُرُّ مع اسْمِهِ شَيْءٌ في الأرض ولا في السَّمَاءِ وهو السَّمِيعُ الْعَلِيمُ

“Dengan nama Allah yang tidak memberi mudharat akan sesuatu yang di bumi dan yang dilangit (selagi) bersama dengan Nama-Nya dan Dia Maha Mendengar lagi Maha Mengetahui.”

(Hadith Riwayat Abu Daud, Tirmidzi)

اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنَ الْبَرَصِ وَالْجُنُونِ وَالْجُذَامِ وَمِنْ سَيِّئِ الأَسْقَامِ

“Ya Allah aku berlindung denganMu daripada penyakit sopak, penyakit gila, penyakit kusta dan daripada segala penyakit berbahaya yang lain.”

(Hadith Riwayat Abu Daud)

Take care, out there. 

We'll get over this soon, insha Allah.


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