Lucky ke murah rezeki?


Hey, I have been abandoning this blog for months. Not a new thing, but thought I should mention it lol. Thing is, banyak jee draft tapi tak post sebab tak habis tulis. 

I've had quite eventful months since I last wrote here. In July, randomly decided to challenge myself. Yang menang phone tu. Gila. Entered a quiz contest, in which I had to do a quiz every Saturday & Sunday at 12 pm for 4 weeks. Somewhere deep inside my gut, I do think I will win. Sebab the amount of efforts that I gave was, I think, huge. Kau bayangkanlah setiap weekend 12 tengahari dah tercatuk depan laptop & perah otak jawab soalan & tulis essay after essay. Mungkin ini yang dipanggil rezeki kerana usaha. 

Lepas tu dapat good news one after another. One of them was being chosen to receive seed funding for my lil business. Ya Allah, I was basically overwhelmed at the time, and when all of these were being presented in front of me, tak ada fikir lain but thankful that they came at the right time. Like Allah was showing me, or even 'telling me' that He got my back. Keep going. And so I did. Sekarang dah half way through the 3 months for the Make It Happen program. I have made so much progress. A lot of which I may not even make as fast as I did if there wasn't this program. Yang ini, rezeki kerana usaha juga, rasanya. Entahlah, I think it is more than just usaha. Kena include doa & tawakal sekali. Kalau mat saleh panggil 'manifesting'. In which, yes, I did just that. Envisioning myself getting it before I even get it. 

Someday, I will write more about what this program is about. Walaupun aku memang continuously  share about it in my Instagram stories sebab I now know someone is watching. By someone, I mean my juniors yang specifically said that they followed me and was inspired by my sharings. One even went so far as interviewing me and writing about my lil business in her final assignment before she graduated. What the heck. I may have fantasies of these kind of things happening (manifesting, remember?), but I did not expect it to happen this fast, or even happen at all. Tak cukup dengan tu, I am also invited to be a speaker for this program that they are doing next month, organized by my residential college at my alma mater. A freaking huge deal by the way. Mind blowing. I might write about that later. We'll see.

Anyway, the program is a bit like the tv show Shark Tank, only milder, I think. Side note: I have never watched a full episode of Shark Tank, but I know the drill. 

So, lucky ke murah rezeki? Tak cukup. Kena ada usaha sendiri. Kalau tak, memang tak jadi.

Cakap pasal rezeki, this was something I just shared to my family semalam actually. You know how I have been staying home? Because of that, my driving skills have been reduced, much to my chagrin. Bukannya aku dah tak reti drive langsung. It's just that I am not as alert as I used to be when I drive. 

Dulu kan I drove every day for my work. Travel pergi all over Melaka and Johor every month. My driving skills were stellar! No doubt.

Now, though, let me just say, I am a threat to my own life. Twice, I almost got into car accidents fairly recently. Yang satu tu dengan lori eh. Allahu. The only thing that separated me from life threatening accidents was the other driver's warning. 

Yang first tu, the lorry honked when he saw me not slowing down before changing my lane. It was a 16 tire lorry agaknya, it was that huge.

The other one, I do not remember exactly, but I nearly bump into the car in front of me, but someone honked or something. Got me out of my reverie.

Which brings us to the conversation that I had yesterday. I was like, 

"Was it something I did? A deed or a religious practice that I do that saved me? Was it doa ibu? Doa ayah? Was it just dumb luck? Or was someone protecting me?"

Izzat said, "Dummy, of course someone was protecting you. That someone is Allah." 

Obvious answer is obvious, but I guess I really am just curious what exactly made me deserving of being protected like that? What did I do right so that I can keep continue doing it? That was my point of asking.  

You know what? Let's just strive to be a better human every day. 

Semoga kita semua sentiasa di bawah lindungan Allah. Aamiin ya rabbal a'lamin. 


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