Graduan Bacelor Sains (Dietetik) Bumiputera Terbaik


I finished my 4 years of degree studies in June of this year. Since then, I have been at home, doing whatever I so desired. Mostly the things that I did not get to do much while juggling my studies. 

One thing I noticed the most after being a fresh graduate is the pressure of trying to get jobs. Entah kenapa semua orang terkejar-kejar nak bekerja paling awal sampai ada yang fikir "siapa yang dapat kerja paling awal, dia paling perform. Sebab dia marketable". Sampai canang satu dunia dia dah dapat interview just a week after habis belajar. Sebab stigma memang macam tu kot. Dulu masa aku dengar senior dapat kerja even before graduating, aku pun impressed. "Mantapnya diorang." 

Tapi bila aku ada kat tempat ni, aku rasa benda tu ridiculous. Tak relevan langsung istilah siapa dapat kerja paling awal tu dia paling mantap. Setiap orang target dia berbeza-beza. Mungkin lepas habis belajar nak chill dulu, mungkin nak pergi travel, mungkin nak sambung Master. Tapi bila kau dimomokkan dengan stigma tu, kau tiba-tiba rasa macam target kau tu tak betul, tak patut. Kau patut cari kerja cepat2. Nope. Salah.

Jangan pernah bandingkan diri kau dengan orang lain. Jangan. Kau tak akan pernah dapat puaskan hati sendiri. Kau akan sentiasa rasa diri kau kecil. Walaupun sebenarnya kau dah achieve macam2.

To be honest, I experienced that myself. Yes, my target was to chill, relax for a bit lepas habis belajar. Tak nak terus kerja. Ye lah, kau bayangkan aku dah belajar dari umur aku 5 tahun. Now I am 23. Total 18 tahun non-stop belajar. Aku tak kata aku bosan belajar, tapi I need rest. I have been working my arse off kot, and I so deserve to rest. Tapi aku nak rest pun tak tenang sebab wujud manusia2 macam yang aku sebut tadi. Tak henti-henti canang pasal kerja kat social media. Seolah-olah nak memperkecilkan sesiapa yang belum start bekerja. Even bashing siapa yang buat keputusan nak rest dulu. Lol. What the freaking hell. 

Salah aku kot sebab asyik main social media tapi lama kelamaan, aku pun jadi anxious, insecure, jatuh self-esteem. Imagine someone yang dah excel all throughout her life, academically eh. UPSR 5A, PMR 9A, SPM 9A, Science Foundation CGPA 4.0, MUET Band 5 rasa diri dia kecil.  Heck, even masa tadika pun I was always at the top of my class (no one reads this blog, so technically I am not flexing, mind you). Feeling like you are nothing. My motivation was down, until one day, ibu kata ada surat untuk aku. Aku nampak logo UPM, sent through PosLaju. Must be an urgent business. Aku buka and found that I was awarded Graduan Bacelor Sains (Dietetik) Bumiputera Terbaik. Ternganga aku kat situ. 

On 15th November aku pergi attend Majlis Anugerah Fakulti kat FPSK. Dalam 32 orang dalam kelas aku, cuma 4 orang dapat award, and I am one of them. I made my parents so proud, for the umpteenth time. Highlights masa the award ceremony;

1. The first time ayah was at FPSK, it was when I was getting interviewed before I was chosen to be in the program. The second time he was there, he was sending me to register at the college during the start of my freshman year. Now, the third time he was there to see me receive this award :')

2. Dr Aida was the one who handed me the award on stage. Ironically, she was one of the lecturers who interviewed me to get into this program. The other lecturer was Dr Rosita. I came full circle. Started from the bottom now I am here. I met Dr Rosita after the ceremony and she said "I am so proud that I interviewed you" when we hugged. 

So what I can conclude from this whole thing is, we are humans who tend to forget how amazing we are and we need to be constantly reminded of it. In case no one reminds you how special you are, try, I mean it, try to remember that every day. Look into the mirror every single day and see all of your achievements. Do not compare yourself with others. Compare who you are now to who you were before. How much you have grown. Be proud of that. We are capable of anything as long as we believe that we can. Truth is, your only limit is you. 

I hope you never forget this, Hannysa.


  1. Saya nak mohon upu dietetik ..Kebab.ehpasaran pelajar kos ni tinggi ke?


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