Special Unit: Institut Jantung Negara


I am currently at home, holding the title fresh graduate. So, I am not bind to anything. Patutnya aku dah lama taip pasal ni tapi mood tu tak ada haha. Ni baru rasa macam ada mood sikit. So, here goes, walaupun I do not think this would be a long post. Just simple and sweet. We will see.

Masa dapat tahu aku dapat placement kat sini, I was quite literally scared. Awat? Weh, ni IJN kot. Kena attach directly dengan dietitians kat sana. Bukan lagi dengan CI kita yang dah masak dengan perangai 32 orang ni. Yes, aku pernah pergi hospital luar which were Hospital Kajang & Hospital Putrajaya, tapi kat dua2 hospital ni, mostly memang attach dengan CI, bukan dengan dietitian kat hospital. The sheer terror was also because I am a bit of a shy person (walaupun kalau cakap benda ni kat sesiapa, depa takkan percaya sebab dah biasa dengan aku yang banyak cakap ni xD). The prospect of meeting new people usually gives me anxiety. 

Dah lah special unit ni rotation terakhir sebelum final assessment. In which, of course, high expectations is put on you. Sebab kau dah hadap macam2 internship selama berbulan-bulan. By this rotation, patutnya semua kat hujung jari. No more excuses like "I don't know about that etc."

Dannnn, kalau selama ni, pergi mana2 internship placements in a group of 4 to 5 people, pergi IJN cuma 2 orang. Sebab IJN memang letak kuota macam tu. Tak boleh ambil ramai student at a time, tak cukup tenaga kerja. Imagine how would you hide your mistakes if there is any. Impossible. Plus, you only have one other person to actually rely on. Kalau you do not know something, and your partner pun tak tahu, then masaklah kau haha. A discussion would also be less informative sebab ada dua kepala je. 

Lagi, we just had our community training. So, daripada komuniti nak masuk klinikal semula, definitely ada benda yang kami dah lupa. Tak banyak pun, sikit mesti lupa.

To put it in short, I was mortified even before jejak kaki kat sana. Pessimist betul aihh. Ya Allah, aku rasa post ni akan jadi panjang, sebab tiba2 rasa macam banyak benda nak include. Oh, well. 

1. The Dietitians

I asked my batchmates yang pernah dihantar pergi IJN, pengalaman depa macam mana. I got some uplifting remarks, tak kurang juga remarks yang buat aku kecut perut. One of them said something like this, "All of them garang, but one." Another said, "I think Ms dotdot hates me."

And you know what, I will always remind myself, 'do not take people's opinions of others at face value, take them with a grain of salt'. How wrong were they. I find all the dietitians very kind, very friendly, easy to work with, but I do not hold it against my batchmates' opinions. Maybe they had incidents that left some impressions on them. 

I loved that the dietitian whom were deemed as 'garang gila' by one of my friends, bagi praises weh Allahu "Awak student yang paling bagus setakat ni selama saya tengok student buat group counselling kat sini." Kau tahu tak hati aku grew three sizes that day?!! haha. Alhamdulillah. I feel like I was kind of close to her sebab tu. The best praises always come from those who are infamous for their honesty. Jujur aku terharu. She was the same person who labelled two of the students before us as 'pemalas'. So, then I knew that you are treated as deserving of your attitude (NOT TRYING TO BE MEAN, tapi ni one of the many lessons I got kat sini, I'm just saying). 

First2 tengok cara dietitians kat sini buat kerja, I was so impressed. I found them very sophisticated, experienced and all around amazing. Such inspiring people, I was so lucky to witness. The way they conduct nutrition counselling. Very simple, yet effective. Practical, senang faham. However, because I was taught to do a complete NCP every time I manage a case, nak adapt dengan cara IJN was admittedly very difficult. Thank God we were there for special unit, bukan focus on counselling. 

When I was given the chance to do counselling awal2 tu, I failed miserably sampai rasa aku ni tak competent langsung sampaikan asyik kena interrupt. Tapi lepas tu aku pujuk diri sendiri by saying "No, you are not incompetent, but you were trained differently. Do not be too hard on yourself." Imagine kalau biasa buat satu kes ambil masa 30 to 45 minutes, kat IJN, they only use about 5 to 10 minutes since terlalu banyak referral and cases to see in a day.

2. The Workplace/Environment

The best work ethics I have ever witnessed. Tak tipu. I did not have the opportunity to be in the presence of the famous Puan Mary Easaw. She officially retired few months before aku start attachment kat sini, I think. Tak dapat nak rasa bekerja bawah Puan, which aku tahu sangat berdedikasi, passionate and strict, tapi dalam strict dia, dia sangat dihormati semua pekerja. There were many instances in which nama Puan disebut with admiring tones by the workers there. Tak ada kutukan, cuma pujian. 

Anyway, sambung. Why the best work ethics? Every morning at 8.45 a.m. akan ada meeting with the staff. Semua orang, dari steward, cooks, storekeeper, diet aide, diet technician, dietitians, manager and of course, us, the lowly interns gather kat dapur, depan Newsroom. Then, the diet technician akan brief bilangan pesakit on that day, stok Myotein jelly, orders, etc. If ada complain pasal makanan, she will say it too. Then, semua orang akan bincang kenapa benda tu jadi. Cari root cause dan solution to the problem. Anyone yang ada benda nak disuarakan, boleh cakap je. Nanti semua orang akan dengar & discuss together.

What I love about the morning briefing, semua staf dapat tahu apa jadi. Semua dapat bagi pendapat untuk kebaikan kitchen. This is what contributes to the huge reputation of DFS. Great management & contribution from everyone. 

Even isu2 kecil pun dibincangkan. When I was there, depa baru kuatkuasakan rule: semua yang lalu lalang kat kitchen (yang free hair), perlu pakai hair net untuk elakkan rambut masuk dalam makanan. Bukan pakai hairnet kat tray line je. So, bila ada rule ni, sesiapa yang terjumpa rambut atas lantai, bawa datang tunjuk kat meeting, letak dalam plastik ziplock. Macam evidence cerita CSI weh haha. Ada sekali tu, time meeting, ada someone nampak sehelai rambut atas lantai. The manager kutip, then found that rambut tu ada warna unconventional, warna purple ke pink. So, senang nak identify tu rambut siapa. Aku boleh suspek someone. 

Ada sekali, pasal someone makan kacang then buang kulit atas lantai & dalam laci  newsroom. Ni jadi time bulan puasa. Tak kelakar tau. Sebab siapa yang duduk dalam newsroom tu? Kami. The interns. Obviously aku & Sopeh tak makan kacang lol. We were fasting. Kalau pun kitorang period time tu, buat apa nak buang kulit tu bersepah? How foolish. Tapi, they never blamed us pun. They even reassured us and asked whether we saw anyone ate kacang kat situ. I had someone in mind. We said they probably makan time kitorang solat. Everyone went into the newsroom untuk tengok kulit kacang tu. Manager tak bagi cleaner bersihkan, nak orang yang buat tu bersihkan sendiri. Unfortunately, he/she never come through. So, cleaner bersihkan lepas 4 hari benda tu kat situ. 

Ada pasal kes kecurian. Some of the staff hilang duit yang depa letak dalam beg. Tak kelakar lagi sekali, sebab kes kecurian dah lama tak jadi. Only then, masa kami intern kat situ tetibe pencuri tu ambil kesempatan nak mencuri. Maybe pencuri tu ingat yang depa akan salahkan kami ni yang depa tak kenal sangat lagi, but, again, no. They said something in the line of "I know they are nice girls, they would never do that." Also, they said that ramai orang luar keluar masuk kitchen so probably depa. So, lepas tu, pintu office besar tu ditutup rapat sedangkan selama ni depa sengaja biar tak rapat so that tak payah nak guna access card setiap kali keluar masuk. Unfortunately, kami tak ada access card, so setiap kali nak masuk jumpa dietitians dalam office besar, atau sign attendance, kena ketuk, minta orang dalam bukakan. Ada lagi satu office kecil, bilik dietitian. Situ pintunya memang sentiasa rapat. So, every time nak jumpa the dietitians, kena ketuk pintu.

Staf kat situ semua baik2. Cuma ada lah sikit yang pemalu. Last day kat situ, storekeeper (Encik Din) bagi aku & Sopeh satu balang chocolate chip cookies each. Adik dia jual kat bazar atas. Setiap hari, balik je, mesti one of the kitchen helpers kata "Bye!" walaupun tak pernah cakap dengan depa haha. One of the cleaners, an Indian man, he was obviously malu tapi that one day dia bersihkan newsroom tu, I was alone dalam tu sebab Sopeh kat ward, he tried to make a conversation with me and lepas tu boasted very adorably to his colleagues that I am now his friend. Aww. They are very sweet. 

3. The Cases

Sebab nama pun Institut Jantung Negara, definitely semua kes berkenaan jantung. To be honest, ni salah satu sebab I did not look forward to attach here. Sebab aku ingatkan bosan asyik dapat kes jantung je. No. Setiap kes berbeza. Maksudnya, kat sini kau berpeluang untuk explore the different cases & management. I learnt that most heart patients ada mostly normal biochemical data, tak macam kes kat hospital lain, in which BD depa haywire sana sini. Maksud tersirat kat sini, you can have no symptoms at all and tiba2 dapat sakit jantung. That is how dangerous it is. Lagi satu yang aku perasan, heart patients biasanya tak malnourish. They usually have normal BMI. Paling2 pun overweight. To my knowledge, aku tak pernah dapat patient obese. I would like to, sebab nak try guna energy requirement calculation for obese critically ill patients yang hypocaloric, high protein tu. Mungkin nasib tak menyebelahi aku, tak come across any obese patients pun. 

4. Tips

It is very important to be independent kat sini. You set your own day, every day. Apa nak buat, wad mana nak pergi, patient mana nak tengok, nak follow up. Flow dia macam ni. 6.30 pagi bas gerak from kolej. Around pukul 7.30 kau sampai IJN. Tak ada punch card. So, boleh duduk kat newsroom atau pergi library IJN. Pukul 8 boleh pergi breakfast kat pantry. Breakfast, lunch disediakan. For us, kami tak bayar. Mungkin sebab sempat 2 minggu je makan kat situ, balance lagi 4 minggu tu dah bulan puasa. Then, 8.45 ada morning briefing. Lepas tu, you have abundance of free time sebab you can only approach the dietitian yang kau nak attach to at 10 a.m. After they finished calling the nurses kat wad2 untuk tahu patients' progressions (ada lagi kat wad ke tak etc). By approach, maksudnya tanya depa nak naik wad bila, boleh ke kalau nak follow up patients, ada new case ke tak etc. So, sepanjang 1 jam free time tu nak buat apa? Aku biasanya akan siapkan log book. Sebab apa? Log book ni kau kena buat setiap hari. Kalau tak, memang bertimbun ye sayang. Aku suka bila dapat siapkan time ni sebab bila balik, sampai kolej je aku memang tak larat. Pukul 9 malam biasanya aku dah mengantuk walaupun dapat tidur sejam pergi, sejam balik dalam bas. Time ni juga boleh guna untuk buat audit survey. We were assigned to do an audit survey of cara nurses kat sini buat nutrition screening. Nak tengok betul ke idok. Kalau nak follow up patient time ni pun okay je. So, bila kau approach dietitian, boleh terus inform progress depa (bagi plan siap2).

Selain tu, be proactive and ask questions. Ms Foong sangat suka tengok student yang ada inisiatif sendiri. Make sure to think ahead lah. Bukan macam pahat dengan penukul je. Anything you are not sure about, boleh tanya. Tapi, jangan tanya kosong. Maksudnya, kalau nak tanya, make sure kau dah buat research dulu supaya boleh discuss dengan the dietitians instead of being  spoon-fed. 

Be disciplined and do not procrastinate. I was told that the previous students hantar logbook for the dietitians to sign after 5 weeks of being there, which is tak patutlah pada aku. Banyak kot kes. So, aku & Sopeh made sure untuk hantar every week to the specific dietitians yang handle the cases supaya depa dapat tanda terus. Tak perlu tangguh2 sampai jadi banyak kes. Kalau minggu tu aku attach dengan 4 dietitian, hah hantarlah kat empat2. 

Alhamdulillah, we had great feedbacks from the local preceptor lepas habis case presentation. Oh ya, case presentation aku masa week 5 hari Jumaat. Paediatric case, chylothorax with fat free diet. Kecut perut weh sebelum present sebab aku trauma masa present kat Hospital Kajang tu, tapi last2 dietitians semua okay je. Depa tak 'tembak' tapi depa bagi suggestions untuk improve the presentation which were very helpful masa aku present lagi sekali kat fakulti. "Depa ni baik, sopan, tak ada masalah attitude." I love that we left with a great impression on them fuh. 

It was an amazing internship.

I was very blessed.


  1. Yg pasal kecurian tu mmg heboh..last2 staf yg hilang tu salah letak..


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