Bachelor Science Dietetics: Study Week 05


I forgot that I have always updated this blog every study week. Patutlah tiba-tiba felt an urge to update. Sebab bila kau dah jadikan habit, ada biological clock yang akan ingatkan kau yang kau kena buat habit kau tu.

So, kali ni punya final exam ada 4 paper je. Je. Apa kau fikir 4 paper tu, sebab sikit, senang? Haha. Tak. Added to the fact 3 paper 2 hari berturut-turut, lepas tu gap 10 hari nak sampai last paper. Hah, amik. Study lah sampai muntah xD Tapi sebab last paper tu MNT, aku terima dengan hati terbuka. Banyak weh nak kena master untuk subjek tu. Try to look at the positive side ni.

3 hari aku jimba tak pegang lecture notes. Tapi I am satisfied with my progress by far. Sebab the 4th day tu, I finished reading all the lecture notes for Nutrition Counselling. A bit of a challenge to divide my time for settling my FYP chapters yang kena hantar by 29 December (which is esok) & study for finals jugak.  

Sekejap je dah nak habis sem 5. Lepas ni sem 6 and then our practical starts. Fuh. Nak jadi final year student dah.

FYP aku? Hah, macam tu lah. Kadang-kadang bangga jugak tengok aku dah buat sampai nak dekat 50 pages. Proposal presentation hari tu turned out to be far better than I expected. Yelah, kalau kau jumpa aku sebelum present, kau mesti fikir, "Habislah budak ni. Kena roast teruk2 dengan assessors jap lagi. Dahlah banyak buat last minute changes kat slides dia. Takde buat mock presentation pulak tu." 

I legit almost cry pagi tu (the presentation was in the afternoon) sebab sv bagi exclamation marks !!!! through whatsapp and email. K.O.Y.A.K. Tapi berjaya tampal balik. Masa Q & A session, I don't know if it was just me, but I think I did well. Dr Zul & Dr Z punya soalan, aku boleh jawab with ease. Tambah lagi sebab diorang bagi nods of approval sambil tulis evaluation marks lepas dengar jawapan aku. Good sign; no kerutan dahi. Lagipun bila dengar komen-komen diorang kat other presenters, they were not too lenient either. "Saya tak faham satu apa pun yang awak bentang." "Macam mana awak boleh ada 2 DV? Ni level master, PhD bolehlah." But of course, they did not say those comments in harsh ways, more like asking in gentle manners. How lucky were we, dapat 2 of the most gentle assessors instead of those yang more stringent?

More challenges will come our way, we acknowledge that. I hope we could all make it together. Dietista 11 will continue to rise, insha Allah. 


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