Bachelor Science Dietetics: Study Week 03

It's hard to believe that the third sem is almost over. I'm in my study week now. I feel like it's now a must for me to write something here every study week since I rarely even update this blog. Been extra busy with everything.
How's life?
Yup, STILL trying out all sort of stuffs. I'm such a lucky girl for having many chances to do the things not everyone can even dream of. Something that I learnt, Allah always has the best plan for you. What you have to do is just live your life accordingly. Don't let go of the chances given to you.
People thought I would be chosen as an MTM for the 16/17 session but surprisingly I didn't. At first, I really did question it. Was I not worthy enough ? But then, as the semester starts, I got to be involved in much bigger events that I wouldn't have participated in if I was an MTM. I got to be a 'penyambut tetamu' during the convocation season, I also went to Thailand with almost full ride from FEM, be a Liaison Officer for the ASAIHL international conference where I had the chance to personally meet with the father of independence of Timor Leste. If I was an MTM, I would be obligated to college events only. Since I'm not one, I'm free to venture. Yeah well, being the board member of two organisations, Foodnatic Club and PERKASA Johor gives me more freedom, I guess. I'm blessed.
Totally looking forward to what the next semester would bring. But before that, I need to confront my finals. Wish me luck :)
P.s: Redheads are so damn beautiful. What the heck.
P.p.s: Funnily enough, I wrote 'Study Week 1' on the exact same date as today, a year ago. I swear I didn't plan this. I just had an urge to write cus I'm trying to procrastinate studying xD
P.p.p.s: 'I miss you's are overrated. People might think I'm a creep for saying that when in fact I just really miss them. What was I supposed to do? Keep it to myself?
P.p.s: Funnily enough, I wrote 'Study Week 1' on the exact same date as today, a year ago. I swear I didn't plan this. I just had an urge to write cus I'm trying to procrastinate studying xD
P.p.p.s: 'I miss you's are overrated. People might think I'm a creep for saying that when in fact I just really miss them. What was I supposed to do? Keep it to myself?
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