Beautiful Mess


I think this is the very first time that I update a post while I'm in college. Reason; We've got ourselves a new wifi now, everybody! Applause! Finally *sighs* Uspot was a complete and utter disgrace as I can't even use it once since I came to UPM. Hopefully this wifi will continue to not disappoint.

For someone with so many stuffs being cramped in her head, I have nothing to really write about.

This semester is coming to an end in about a month. Clearly, I'm hoping time would pass faster because of the stack of works I'm obligated to finish but I don't quite want my first year as an undergraduate student to be over. I just don't, for some reasons. Not going to list 'em out. Go figure. 
No matter the outcomes, whether they are good or relatively bad, you know you've tried. I'd rather have a life of 'oh wells' instead of a life of 'what ifs' because in the end we only regret the chances we never take. New you is awesome, remember that. 


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