
If I die young

  Assalamualaikum, Tajuk inspired by lagu The Band Perry tu. Petang tadi tengok video tahpape. Tell My Story series kat channel SoulPancake. Basically macam blind date tapi in a more interesting and entertaining concept I would say. Kalau tak, kenapa aku tengok enn. Buang masa je tengok orang lain jumpa soulmate. Baik aku je yang pergi blind date. Haha. Bitter Hanny is bitter. Anyway, one of the questions was "What are your top 3 fears?". Yang mamat tu jawab orang gila, ular & mati muda. Tapi lepas tu ada follow-up question, "Are you afraid of dying?" Dia jawab tak pula. Confused sekejap aku kat depan skrin tu. Then, dia elaborate, "I would like to think that I lived my life before I die. So I'm scared of say, dying in my 30s, but then I'm not really scared of dying in my 60s or 70s 'cause I feel like at that point, I did what I had to do." Boom. Logik jugak dia punya cara fikir. Betul lah kan kalau mati muda ni, mungkin banyak benda yang k...

Medieval mess (A Book Review: World without End by Ken Follett)

Over the years, I have randomly posted a couple of book reviews over this blog. This is a rare thing, although I do frequently post short reviews on my Instagram. Some books just need to be reviewed more, I think. Read this one about a month and a half ago. World without End (2007) by Ken Follett is by far the thickest book I have ever read (it was 1237 pages thick), but also one of the most intriguing. It is actually the second book in the Kingsbridge Series and is the sequel to Follett’s 1989’s Pillars of the Earth. Even if you have not read the first one, it's totally okay, because World without End is good even as a stand-alone novel. This is due to the fact that although set in the same town as Pillars of the Earth – Kingsbridge, the characters featured in it are the descendants of some Pillars characters 157 years later.  Uh did they change the 'insert picture' option? Thank God I still have this image in my gallery             I would say t...

Graduan Bacelor Sains (Dietetik) Bumiputera Terbaik

Assalamualaikum, I finished my 4 years of degree studies in June of this year. Since then, I have been at home, doing whatever I so desired. Mostly the things that I did not get to do much while juggling my studies.  One thing I noticed the most after being a fresh graduate is the pressure of trying to get jobs. Entah kenapa semua orang terkejar-kejar nak bekerja paling awal sampai ada yang fikir "siapa yang dapat kerja paling awal, dia paling perform. Sebab dia marketable". Sampai canang satu dunia dia dah dapat interview just a week after habis belajar. Sebab stigma memang macam tu kot. Dulu masa aku dengar senior dapat kerja even before graduating, aku pun impressed. "Mantapnya diorang."  Tapi bila aku ada kat tempat ni, aku rasa benda tu ridiculous. Tak relevan langsung istilah siapa dapat kerja paling awal tu dia paling mantap. Setiap orang target dia berbeza-beza. Mungkin lepas habis belajar nak chill dulu, mungkin nak pergi travel, mungkin nak sa...

Final Assessments (The End Of Clinical Year)

Assalamualaikum, After one year of internships kat merata hospital & tempat, we had our final assessments for 2 weeks (11th to 20th June 2019). Habis special unit tu, cuti seminggu, sekali dengan cuti raya. Lepas raya lah maksudnya exam ni semua haha. Bayangkan betapa liat nak siapkan case report tu. Nasib baiklah log book dah hantar awal kat dietitian IJN. So, everything was settled even before cuti. Kat IJN pulak memang tak ada patient census and punch card macam kat Hospital Serdang/Kajang. So tu tak payah fikir dah. Everything kena hantar hari yang sama dengan case presentation tu. Manalah tak gelabah aku duk kira hari cukup ke tak nak siapkan report. Thank God a week before cuti tu aku dah present kes kat IJN. So, cuma tinggal nak edit sikit2 je slide tu. Nasib baik juga, aku tak raya sangat. Hari kedua raya tak pergi mana2 pun xD Okay, the final assessments ni consisted of case presentation (11 June), bedside exam (13 June), viva (18 June 2019) & written professio...

Special Unit: Institut Jantung Negara

Assalamualaikum, I am currently at home, holding the title fresh graduate. So, I am not bind to anything. Patutnya aku dah lama taip pasal ni tapi mood tu tak ada haha. Ni baru rasa macam ada mood sikit. So, here goes, walaupun I do not think this would be a long post. Just simple and sweet. We will see. Masa dapat tahu aku dapat placement kat sini, I was quite literally scared. Awat? Weh, ni IJN kot. Kena attach directly dengan dietitians kat sana. Bukan lagi dengan CI kita yang dah masak dengan perangai 32 orang ni. Yes, aku pernah pergi hospital luar which were Hospital Kajang & Hospital Putrajaya, tapi kat dua2 hospital ni, mostly memang attach dengan CI, bukan dengan dietitian kat hospital. The sheer terror was also because I am a bit of a shy person (walaupun kalau cakap benda ni kat sesiapa, depa takkan percaya sebab dah biasa dengan aku yang banyak cakap ni xD). The prospect of meeting new people usually gives me anxiety.  Dah lah special unit ni rotation t...

IPD 2 Assessment Week

Assalamualaikum, Last week was the third out of our four hell's week. Pardon the language, I thought the term is necessary xD Tapi, this one was actually a great week. Okay. So, Isnin pagi tu ada bengkel NFPE in which we learned more and practiced NFPE. Then, sambung dengan briefing untuk community. Petang tu dah start case presentation for 5 people and semua orang tengok depa present kat Makmal Diet. I was finalizing my slides and log book. Habis je, terus pergi flat ikan dengan Jaz, Peah, Mona, Meli nak fotostat log book & print slides. My case presentation was the next morning. I was the third presenter kat Makmal Penilaian Pemakanan tu. Gabra jugaklah tapi sebab kes aku tu pun baru lagi, so I was not too nervous. Presenting was fine, despite takut tak sempat masa. My assessors were Dr Bai, Dr Z & Encik Asri. I presented once the last Tuesday kat Kajang depan semua dietitian. At the time it was about refeeding syndrome and the patient was still in the ward. T...