The First Walk Alone

Assalamualaikum, For once I refuse to write an intro telling how I've been because maybe I just realized that no one care. So, to stick to what was supposed to be the main purpose of this 'thing', I might as well just rant about things that I think is worthy enough. On the 27th, I was quote "invited" to an interview for a degree program at a local RU. This was my second one. The first was on the 23rd May. Before this, I've only experienced an interview once, that was for a foundation program that I didn't manage to excel but that's totally a different story because it was held just a stone's throw away from my house. Different from the 23rd May interview where I stayed at a hotel near the venue with my family, the 27th May interview was such a challenging if not one of the most independent experience I've ever been through. Because it was held on a school day, my family couldn't tag along. The interview is at noon ...