Two Blessings in a Day
A day came when I had two smile-inducing interactions.
A customer came to pick up his protein ration order at the cafe.
As he finished paying, he pointed at me and asked "Are you the owner?"
I nodded.
"I'm sorry to be so sudden, and pardon my outfit, but if you don't mind, can we talk business for a second?"
I was a bit surprised but immediately said "Sure, let's"
If anyone wants to talk business, always say yes.
So he told me that he owns a nearby medical clinic with his partner among other branches of clinics in Kedah & Selangor, I think.
Said he is currently searching for a dietitian to collaborate with the clinic.
He was specific about the kind of dietitian he was trying to find. One who doesn't work for the government nor any private clinics/hospitals.
He said it was hard trying to find one until he found @madusaglobal on Instagram.
I fit that criteria perfectly.
They plan to refer their patients to me for diet consultations.
In addition to that, the meal prep package, to aid their fitness journey.
It's humbling to think that I have always been the one to initiate a collaboration.
Earlier this year, I messaged random nearby gyms I can find online.
Then, went and meet any of them who responded, which weren't many.
We're still in the negotiation stage.
But I truly hope this collaboration comes into fruition.
A customer came to pick up her meal prep order.
She ordered our in-house wholemeal pancakes with pomegranate syrup and shared with her friend.
She saw me, smiled & raised her hand, "Hi, sayalah yang datang nak pick up order tu!"
Then, we ended up chatting. Me, standing next to their table. Them, eating the pancakes.
I'll call her Kak A.
Kak A told me she bought meal prep the first time when I did the business from home.
Another friend of hers did too.
The story went, her friend told her that I'm opening a cafe.
So, during the months that I was renovating the cafe, they were anticipating its opening.
If that wasn't touching, I don't know what is. Mati2lah aku ingat aku syok sendiri set up kafe tu. Turned out I already had a following :')
Kak A & the friend actually came to the cafe before but she said it would be too weird to approach me tetibe.
I did recall them coming because there was a pak cik selling kerepek who came into the cafe that day. Essentially forced us to buy his kerepek xD (I did buy 2 packets, Kak A bought 1).
And I also recalled the way she stared at me, like she was considering whether to tegur or not. I think it's my face. My RBF. Haha.
She said that she has been recommending the meal prep to her colleagues too & that she loves the fact that I'm doing this business.
She said that she's trying to be more conscious about what she eats because of her blood cholesterol. Kurus tapi high cholesterol. It's more common than people think.
And I told her about my plan to create a sports club for the ladies.
At the end of that day, my motivation was boosted to the max.
There are probably more people out there who has been following my business journey without me knowing. Like Kak A & her friend.
Seeing the number of followers on Instagram growing, it really did not occur to me that they are real people who chose to follow for many reasons I don't even know. They are not just numbers on the screen.
Having a physical premise, I now have the opportunity to actually meet & talk to this community.
Insha Allah, I want to grow & nurture the community, slowly but surely.
These interactions showed me that business is a mix of highs and lows. All I need to do is keep doing it. Insha Allah I will get to where I want to be eventually.
Allahumma ameen
Last 2022.. untuk tahun 2023 tiada cerita ke