
Showing posts from December, 2018

Assessment Week: Bedside Exam, Case Presentation & Case Report

Assalamualaikum, For the first semester, we had 2 assessment weeks. Apa benda assessment week? Dalam satu minggu tu lah ada bedside exam, case presentation & case report.  1. Bedside exam: a lecturer would assess our case handling with real patients. 2. Case presentation: Choose one case during one of the rotation, then do follow-up (AT LEAST once for OPD, twice for IPD), then present the full NCP of the case. 3. Case report: Like case presentation, only this one we do not present it to be assessed by the lecturers, instead, we write a full NCP report to be checked. Time ni lah semua orang serabut nak siapkan semua benda. Especially obvious masa assessment week 1. Ya Allah, aku sampai demam kot. Mungkin sebab first time, tak expect benda nak jadi stressful macam tu. Mana nak siapkan slides, nak tulis report maximum 20 pages, nak study untuk bedside exam, nak lengkapkan edu tool, pocket book. Seriously, everyone was out of their mind seminggu tu. AW1 tu aku kena ...

3rd, 4th & 5th Rotation (OPD) : Hospital Serdang, Kajang, Putrajaya (Miss Alin & Encik Asri)

Assalamualaikum, So, sebenarnya aku tengah cuti seminggu, which is the only break we're getting for the whole 2 semesters of our clinical year. Sounds tough kan? Because it is. I mean, of course we have weekends to ourselves tapi cuti panjang yang macam ni is very hard to come by. Sejak kitorang first year lagi lecturers dah warning pasal benda ni and we thought we've prepared ourselves, but we actually didn't haha. Typical Malaysians, suka cuti. Alright, since aku tak banyak masa nak update setiap kali habis rotation OPD, so kita satukan dalam satu post ni je lah iye. 3 rotations of OPD sums up to 9 weeks in total. The 3rd & 4th rotation group aku under supervision Miss Alin. 5th rotation dengan Encik Asri lagi.  3rd Rotation - Hospital Serdang (Klinik Paeds, Klinik Diet, Klinik Nefro, Klinik MOPD) Like I wrote in the previous post, it was nerve-wrecking on the first day of OPD. Gigihlah group aku duk isi borang target goals yang kena isi sebelum setiap r...