
Showing posts from October, 2017

Pink Ribbon

Assalamualaikum, This is a sad post. If you do not wish to be sad, do stop reading. If you are curious, go on. Continue reading. Imagine you just met someone and about a week later, she suddenly die. No signs of sickness, no signs of weakness, she just died. And you remember every single bit of the last moments you were with that person. Every little thing that she did, every single word she said to you, her mannerisms, her laugh, her smile. Everything.  "Angah, nanti balik kampung amik jus delima Mak La. Mak La dah tak boleh minum sebab tengah buat chemo. Jus tu bagus, Alos dah minum." Then, she said this to an acquaintance sitting next to her, "Dr cakap, dengan keadaan aku sekarang ni kena banyak sedekah." and even after she died, I have not taken the juice yet. My mom told me yesterday that the bottle of juices were already packed in plastics, waiting to be taken by me. The fact she was so persistent asking me to go back to my hometown ...

Bachelor Science Dietetics: Midsem Break The Fifth

Assalamualaikum, Fifth semester, guys. Wow, I am half way there. This week, I saw many of my friends' convocation pictures on their social medias (yang amik diploma). I can't wait for that to eventually happen to me. But until then, I want to cherish every second of it all, with the people that I care about, whom I will not be seeing as much after we graduate (maybe not at all tsk). It is sad to think as such, but it is the reality. That is what I think of when I see their posts about their graduation. What else do I think about? How happy would my parents be, how relieved but at the same time scared would I be, because I will start a new life. Literally. Kak Long punya konvo bulan ni jugak. Minggu depan. Gosh, how I wish arwah nenek ada kat sini, tengok cucu first dia pegang ijazah. Al-fatihah untuk nenek.  Tadi scroll ig & dapat tahu a high school  junior yang muda 3 tahun daripada aku baru kahwin pagi tadi. Tiba2 rasa macam "hm, k wow". Betul la...

Is This Because I'm An Adult Now?

Assalamualaikum, It is the 4th week of the 5th semester. Next week ada 2 test. PA dengan MNT 2. Baru habis baca 2 lecture notes PA tadi. Roommate aku balik, nak basuh baju katanya. Untunglah rumah dekat *sarcastic smile emoji* Hari tu punya post duk cakap pasal fyp, kali ni pun nak cakap pasal benda yang sama. Bear with me talking about fyp for a year, okay? Memanglah masa cuti semester tu sv aku tak reply email. Naik sem, aku Jaz Zul jumpa sv. Dr puji sebab dia kata fyp students dia sebelum2 ni tak pernah approach dia dulu, masa cuti pulak tu, instead, dia yang kena approach diorang.  Tak tipu, aku rasa tenang lepas dapat jumpa dia. Bila dapat tahu yang fyp kitorang ni more to helping Master and pHD students Dr. Bila dengar Dr explain yang most of the data had been collected. Memanglah tak dapat rasa sangat data collection tu macam mana, tapi at least takdelah rasa macam hidup tak teratur sangat setahun ni. Lagi satu, Dr suruh kitorang publish paper. I admit th...